Cleaning and Maintenance of Gas Water Heater

2021/07/28 09:11

Nowadays, according to everyone's actual situation and usage habits, gas water heater cleaning and maintenance services are still the first choice of many consumers. The safety of gas water heaters has always been the most concerned issue. Whether the toxic gas can be discharged in time has become the key to the safety of cleaning and maintenance of gas water heaters. As there are many types of gas water heaters and their functions are different, the following aspects should be paid attention to when cleaning and maintaining gas water heaters.

1. To use the gas water heater for cleaning and maintenance, you must read the product instruction manual, use the water heater according to the instructions in the manual and the nameplate, and perform preliminary and simple water heater repairs, cleaning and maintenance, etc.;

2. The room must be well ventilated;

3. When the gas water heater leaks, leaks, the flame does not go out after the water is stopped, and the combustion conditions are poor, stop using it, notify the gas management department or the manufacturer in time for repair, and it is strictly forbidden to disassemble and repair it privately;

4. Regularly ask professionals or manufacturers designated by the gas management department to clean and maintain the gas water heater, and perform timely maintenance, and keep the gas water heater clean to ensure that it can work well;

5. Do not use expired water heater cleaning and maintenance agents. From the date of sale of gas water heaters, the cleaning and maintenance service of liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas water heaters are judged to be 15 years, and the cleaning and maintenance service of artificial gas water heaters is 10 years.