Advantages of Rapid Heating Electric Water Heater

2022/10/10 14:40

No preheating, no waiting

Instantaneous electric water heaters are generally more power, with just open the faucet, a few seconds, or even up to 1 second heating 3 seconds out of the speed of hot water, you can have the right temperature of hot water supply, very fast and convenient to meet the needs of modern fast-paced life nowadays. It is ideal for users who need hot water instantly or for a long time, such as barber stores, hospitals, schools, etc. Most importantly, it saves people's precious time.

Energy saving

Instantaneous electric water heater without advance preheating, so there is no preheating heat energy dissipation, open when not closed, with how much water on how much water, there is no storage water heater more heating the energy consumption of the remaining unused hot water, really save energy and save water. In general, instantaneous electric water heater than the traditional electric water heater to save electricity 30%-50%.


Instantaneous electric water heater in order to fully ensure the safety of consumer applications in this area generally focus on doing the design, such as the use of non-metallic heating body, water and electricity isolation technology, leakage protection device, grounding protection measures, some manufacturers of products are also equipped with water control electric door, sound and light alarm, patented circuit, magnetization anti-scaling, over-temperature power failure, high voltage discharge, electronic regulation, temperature display, staging power and other functions.

Easy installation and space saving

Instantaneous electric water heater because it does not require advance preheating, so the design does not require a large and bulky liner storage tank and insulation layer, most of the small size, light weight, and easy to install, save space and save materials.

Constant water temperature

Storage water heater, as a result of pre-heated hot water in advance, the need to put water to adjust the temperature at the beginning of the bath, the water temperature is either cool or hot, the temperature even after adjustment, in the use of the process not long the water temperature will become cool, but also had to be fine-tuned from time to time, more trouble. And instantaneous electric water heater, no matter how many people bathing, as long as the initial adjustment of the water temperature will always be constant temperature and constant flow.

Not easy to scale, long life

instantaneous electric water heater, cold water directly through the heating body will be heated, belonging to the "living water", scale is not easy to stay, and bathing hot water temperature is generally not higher than 45 ℃, and thus the internal pipeline in the water heater scale is not easy to form, and then, instantaneous electric water heater in the heating process machine heating body temperature rise is not very high, so The water circuit and the chance of damage to the heating body is reduced accordingly, so the service life of the instantaneous electric water heater is also longer than the traditional electric water heater, generally 2-3 times the traditional electric water heater, high-quality products can reach more than 10 years.

Solar water heater and solar water heater is a couple of partners

Solar water heater heating cost is low, but due to the limitations of the weather and other factors, the water temperature is often low. Connected to the instantaneous electric water heater, you can reheat the flowing water, improve the use of water temperature, improve the utilization of water, any weather can be used to comfortable hot water.